
Our archetypes come from the north, where the souls are fluid, and bonded to trees and gods. From the lands of the ice and fire, from the plains of Thor's lords. From the stormiest waters calmed into the embrace of the fjords. From the sacred woods where kings were worshippers of grace, at the time when sacred was magic, and magic was fate.

Thomas Allocca

T H E   F I R M

White Oak Arkitecture is an Italy-based architecture firm with international partnerships. Founded in March 2017 by Thomas Allocca - designer and journalist, expert in SBS (sick building syndrome), low-energy wood-based building systems, and medieval wooden architecture - the firm provides services of consultancy, design, production, construction.

The firm aligns with the principles and the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Global Compact (join request 153964, 6 September 2022), and the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage.


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